Sunday, January 5, 2014

Back to the Grind

I work in academia, so I tend to get pretty enviable amounts of time off (as opposed to great pay, of course). At no time is that more apparent than during the winter break. Shortly after the students pack up and head home, the college shuts down and the staff gets at least a week off without even asking. Depending on when the holidays fall, we could get even more. This year, what with the Wednesday holidays and the snowstorm that hit our region, I ended up with 16 days off at a cost of only about a day and a half of vacation time. I'm certainly not complaining.

Tomorrow though it all comes to an end and it's back to work, which will be nice. It's also a big moment for the Off-Season. I spent the majority of the break with family and friends who are not at all engaged in the sports world (or who were decent enough to discuss something else while I was in the room). At times, I was up in NH and not really in any kind of news cycle, so I feel as removed for the sports world right now as I have since before I started rooting for the Tar Heels back in the early 80's (pre-Jordan, thank you).

That will likely end once I get to work tomorrow, or possibly even on the commute. From Facebook I already know that the Patriots will be playing the Colts next weekend. It's going to be interesting to see how far out of the hype and excitement I can stay. It's also going to be hard. I hope Lori and I are able to make some good plans for whenever the game is taking place. Not paying attention to that game will be the biggest test I have faced so far. I am determined to avoid direct knowledge while it is happening!

Wish me luck...

I hope you all had wonderful and fun holiday seasons filled with peace and joy. May 2014 treat us all like dear friends.

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